As per the instructions received from state chief information commissioner, Chennai, RTI awareness week was conducted at C. Abdul Hakeem College from 5/10/2023 to 12/10/23. RTI awareness walkathon campaign was inaugurated by Dr. S. A. Sajid, Principal of C. Abdul Hakeem College and the campaign was led by Associate NCC…
cahc news
Semester Examination November,2023 Examinations – Time Table
Semester Examination November,2023 Time Table Commence form 3rd November, 2023 Click Here to View/Download By Controller of Examinations
Swachh Bharat Public Place Cleaning by NSS – Not Me but You 12.10.2023
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NSS Day 25.09.2023
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Donation to Government Hospital Vellore 20.09.2023
We are happy to inform that students and the Staff members have given the donation to provide food, milk and refreshments to poor and needy patients in the Government hospital, Vellore. An amount of Rs.12,000 was handed over to the Doctor.
Accenture Pre-placement Talk 20.09.2023
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Mr. Ragupathi V HCA19C51 cleared TNPSC Group 4 Exam Junior Assistant RDO 15.09.2023
NSDC & Skill India free of Cost Diploma on Fire Safety Technician 14.09.2023
NSDC & Skill India is offering a diploma on fire safety technician (oil and gas) for free of cost. Our principal inaugurated the registration of the programme today 14.09.2023 at the seminar hall. About 120 students attended the programme.
Certificate Distribution Ceremony 11.09.2023
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International Distinguished Academic Leader and Teacher Award 06.09.2023
Dr S.A. Sajid, Principal Dr. K. R. Mohamed Sufiyan, Head, Commerce Department Evening
Mr. J Deepak placed at Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 04.09.2023
Mr. J Deepak II M.Sc. Mathematics HCA22K03 2022-2024 CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force)
Seminar on Natural and Man Made things in Chemistry 31.08.2023
Today’ a special seminar was organised by the P.G. & Research Department of Chemistry (Chemistry Association – 2023). A special lecture on Natural and man-made things in chemistry was given by Professor Guhanathan from Muthurangam Government Arts College, Vellore. All third-year B.Sc. chemistry students, M.Sc. chemistry students, and chemistry staff…
Mr. Jeevanandham J placed in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) 30.08.2023
Mr. Jeevanandham J HCA19C27 B.Sc. Mathematics 2019-2022 Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
Campus to Corporate 31.08.2023
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Dr. K.G.MOHAMED THAMEEMUL ANSARI Commission Member of IUCN 28.08.2023
Dr. K.G.MOHAMED THAMEEMUL ANSARI, Department of Zoology has been elected as Commission Member of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) under Commission of Ecosystem Management (CEM). His duty is to contribute different commission of CEM-IUCN up to 2025 as a representative of South Asia
Training Program on How to Vote 28.08.2023 to 27.09.2023
இந்தியாவில் தேர்தல்கள்-தேர்தல் குறித்து நன்கறிந்த, வாக்காளராக செயல்படுவதற்கான ஒரு மாதம் பயிற்சி(31-நாட்கள்)
Free of Cost Programme by TAHDCO and TCS iON 29.08.2023
TAHDCO and TCS iON is offering 7digital programming in Emerging technologies. All the SC/ ST/SCA students (Both Day and Evening) are requested compulsory register this program without fail Apply: and Venue:Auditorium Time:11:45 am Date:30-08-2023 Contact: R. Sugumar Member of SC and ST cell NSS Programme Officer Department of…
State Government Tamilnadu Cultural Event – Tamil Kanavu 25.08.2023
நமது கல்லூரியின் மாணவர்கள் கு. சுகந்தன்(2nd B.C.A “C”) , தமிழ் குமரன் (2nd B.A. History) இருவரும் இன்று நடைபெற்ற மாபெரும் தமிழ் கனவு விழாவில் கலந்து கொண்டு பங்கேற்பு சான்றிதழ் பெற்றமைக்கு நம் கல்லூரி முதல்வர் அவர்கள் பாராட்டு தெரிவித்தார்.
Summer Training Program attended by Mr. A. NANDHAKUMAR and Mr. S. JAFFER of II M.Sc. Zoology 25.08.2023
Mr. A. NANDHAKUMAR of II M.Sc ., Zoology successfully completed his 1 month summer training program in LIFE SCIENCES conducted by SCIENCE CITY, Government of Tamil Nadu & Madras University. Mr. S. JAFFER of II M.Sc ., Zoology successfully completed his 1 month summer training program in LIFE SCIENCES conducted…
Mukesh Raja won in State Level Tamil Oratory Competition 23.08.2023
தமிழ்நாடு சிறுபான்மை ஆணையம் சார்பாக நடைபெற்ற பேச்சுப்போட்டியில் இராணிப்பேட்டை மாவட்ட அளவில் முதல் பரிசை மாண்புமிகு அமைச்சர் செஞ்சி கே. எஸ். மஸ்தான் அவர்களிடம் பெற்ற இனிய பொழுது,அருகில் தமிழ்நாடு சிறுபான்மை ஆணையத்தின் தலைவர்திரு பீட்டர் அல்போன்ஸ் அவர்கள் ,நாடாளுமன்ற மக்களவை உறுப்பினர் தமிழச்சி தங்கபாண்டியன் அவர்கள் மற்றும் சென்னை மாநகராட்சி மேயர் அவர்கள்
National Deworming Program 17.08.2023
National Deworming program was conducted in our college on 17.08.2023 in association with health department of Tamilnadu to spread awareness regarding the health threat of intestinal worms and for the promotion of deworming in 1st years students aged below 18. Principal Dr. S. A. Sajid inaugurated the program along with…
Workshop on Awareness of TNPSC Examinations 16.08.2023
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Independence Day 15.08.2023
Report on Independence Day view / download
Plastic Free July Campaign 01.07.2023 to 15.08.2023
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