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Code of Conduct


          By virtue of the high position he is adorning as the Head of the Academic and Administrative sectors of the college, the Principal should identity himself with the objectives of Higher Education.

  • His main concerns are Staff and Students. And therefore, he should make best use of the intellectual skills of staff and encourage students to dwell deep into the unexplored realms of knowledge.

  • He should officiate as a solid and strong link between the University, Government, UGC, Staff, Students and Alumni and all other Stakeholders.

  • He should impose on himself a rigid self-regulated Code of Conduct.

  • Being an effulgent wellwisher of the Votaries of higher education, he should trigger a congenial climate of mutual trust and confidence.

  • As the custodian of college property, he should keep a vigilant eye on everything on the campus.

  • He should be talented enough to manage the whole Institution with diligence and academic and administrative skills.

  • Being the Chairman of the College Council, he should convene the meetings of the Council at regular periodical intervals.

  • As the backbone of the progress of the college, he should orient all Academic Units functioning on the campus for further advancement.

  • As one on whose shoulders lies the chief National responsibility, he should plant the seeds of Communal, Racial and National integration in students.

  • To keep teachers abreast of new trends in education, he should encourage them to attend Refresher and Orientation Programmes at UGC Centres affiliated to different Universities.

  • Setting himself as a Role Model, he should establish and glorify standards in regularity and discipline of teachers and students.

  • As Member of the Academic Council of the University, he should find ways and means to relate education with social emergent necessities.

  • He should be sole in-charge of Results, completion of Syllabus and ingenuous innovative activities on the campus.

  • As Sport and Games are a road to healthy physique of students, the Principal should treat physical activities on par with academic and research assignments.

  • His extra abilities should be channelized towards organizing Seminars, Symposia, Workshops and Conferences to transform staff and students into Intellectual Giants.

  • As one who is chiefly concerned with the proper functioning of the Central Library and the Labs, the Principal should make total administration effective and transparent.

  • As the Head of the Institution affiliated to the University, he should prompt teachers to cater to the needs of the University, as Examiners, as Members of Boards of Studies, as Inspection Squads and in all other capacities.

  • As one greatly interested in the welfare and progress of students, he should take the lead in redressing their genuine grievances and in initiating the healthy suggestions offered by the Parents, Alumni and the Representatives from the Industry and in organizing Campus Interviews for the career benefits of the student community.

  • He should excel himself in all other sane ways to emerge as a stalwart enjoying a towering position in the society.

          The quality of education imparted in an Institution is chiefly based on the quality, competence and character of its teaching faculty. And therefore, teachers should not only be the burning torches of knowledge but also the beacons of right guidance.

  • Every teacher should be a living Ideal.

  • His prime duty is to develop students’ skills, abilities and potentialities for overall transformation.

  • He should set himself a model by tapping new technologies to revolutionize classroom teaching.

  • It is binding on him to promote research, experimentation and innovation as technology is fast replacing all other age old academic activities and aspirations and achievements.

  • The work of a college teacher is mainly team-centered and hence he should be easily accessible to students.

  • He may be an Academician but he should be venerated as the Guardian angel attending on the needs of students and their character.

  • He should both be a professionally trained person and an enlightened and dedicated member of the human society.

  • He should exert wholesome influence on students through his personal example.

  • He is expected to treat assessment of students on his performance as a salutary honour.

  • He should transform learning into an art of learning by keeping himself alert to the ever widening frontiers of education and expanding boundaries of search and research.

  • He is supposed to esteem his position as a benign opportunity for rendering social service through teaching.

  • If he is sensible to protect values of life that are vanishing in the whirlwind of modernity, he will be worshipped as real ‘Guru’.

  • He should perspire to improve the efficiency of the system by strengthening staff-student relations to be more hale and healthy and by creating relaxed atmosphere in the classroom.

  • Apart from nullifying caste or creed considerations, the teacher should motivate students to develop their personal attributes to achieve National Goals of Higher Education.

  • He should exalt teaching as a result and career oriented academic mechanism and not as a mere pastime.

  • He should play pivotal role in extension and social service by encouraging students to enroll in large numbers in the college Service-Oriented Units namely NCC, NSS, Red Ribbon, Red Cross, Rotaract and so on to help them to fulfil their social obligations.

  • As expected, the teacher should be regular, sincere, honest, decently-dressed, disciplined, hard working, more knowledgeable, more traditional and cultured, more social and much more skilful to emerge as one of the greatest benefactors of mankind.

          The teacher ought to be a leader endowed with all radiant leadership qualities and should not be an actor on the dais in the classroom. He should be an ennobled badge of Professional Ethics and an inspiring embodiment of Professional Etiquette.

  • He should emerge as an Academic Engineer.

  • Never should he be indifferent to the works assigned to him.

  • He must be revered as the Subject Expert or as an Everest of expertize but he should continue to be a humanist in treatment.

  • He should excel in working out the process by which modifications can be materialized to achieve the better and even the best.

  • He should have the magnanimity of identifying himself with students whom he should treat as equal human beings.

  • Like a good man showing the path to several others, the teacher should encourage students to toil hard to improve their creative power because he is their mentor.

  • He, being a fountain head of the principles of democracy, should permit students to express their views freely and frankly.

  • Being a torch-bearer of truth, the teacher should compliment justifiable conflicting textual arguments rather than passing on or transmitting readymade truths.

  • As an academic watchman, he should monitor the progress of students and as a versatile genius he should motivate students to make an indelible mark in curricular and also in co-curricular and extra-curricular assignments to help them to get rolled out of the portals as competent Graduates and Post-Graduates.

  • Not only a good counsellor and felicitator of achievements, the teacher should also be a model to emulate by wearing ID Cards; by not using mobiles while in the college or in the classroom; by shelling down professional prejudices; by complying with the guidelines or instructions; by refraining from undertaking tuitions and by being accountable for better and best results.

  • He ought to uphold the branded image of the college by involving himself in supporting students in their zeal to touch the skies by inculcating in them the right temper to come out as sane citizens, sane workers of humanity and sane soldiers guarding unity in diversified spectrums of attitude and aptitudes.

  • Every Faculty prides in its own well established Ethics, but the teachers who should be the peerless Personifications of Professional Ethics are the hallmarks of Higher Education.

          The Non-Teaching Staff are the massive wheels running on the track of Institution’s administration. They are the pillars of a perfect justifiable working system and so are expected to be a band of honest, hardworking and efficient individuals.

  • Every member of the Non-Teaching staff should deserve what he desires honestly.

  • He should carry out the works as a reward.

  • He should be a symbol of humility, obedience, devotion, commitment, decency and decorum.

  • He should avoid half-hearted approach to any assignment given to him by the Superiors.

  • He should fit himself well within a flawless and foolproof system.

  • Being a trustworthy member of an official mechanism, he should respond to students’ requests and enquiries with due concern and with a smile to render possible help.

  • Having bestowed upon respective official responsibility, every member of the Non-Teaching Staff should accomplish works as per the norms that govern his official sector.

  • He should be well versed in the rules and regulations that get changed quite frequently on par with changing trends in Academics and Administration.

  • As the world of official routine is becoming a varied Globe of Cybernetics, every Non-Teaching Staff should develop his knowledge of computers to accelerate the official mechanism.

  • The Non-Teaching Staff, at no cost, should be like deflated tyres but should be like reservoirs overflowing with expertise, efficiency, capability and sparkling sincerity.

          The Technical staff who can be addressed as the Propellers of works in the labs are expected to fulfil their responsibilities with humility and devotion. They are the ornaments of well equipped labs and the stage-setters for Practicals on diversified themes.

  • As caretakers of the lab, they should be like sentries attending on VIPs.

  • It is their foremost duty to maintain the equipment trouble-free and tension-free.

  • They should be the trustworthy custodians of Stock and Stock-Registers in the labs.

  • They ought to bring to the ardent notice of the Higher-Ups in the labs about non-functioning instruments that need proper mending.

  • They should respect the dress code by wearing uniform while in the labs and till they leave the campus for the day.

  • They are expected to focus an eagle eye on the proper functioning of lab equipment and for maintaining dust-free and dirt-free labs.

  • All sensitive and sophisticated instruments should be paid due attention as they are the heart and the soul of experiments and Major and Minor Research Projects.

  • They should be alert during power shut-downs or fluctuations in power supply to prevent damage to the instruments.

  • Those in-charge of Computer Labs should check uninterrupted power supply for proper functioning of the Computing Systems.

  • The Technical Staff should extend maximum co-operation to the Professors-in-charge of Practicals to harness tons of goodwill and to help students to continue their experiments in a congenial and encouraging atmosphere.

  • Their regularity in attendance will accelerate and streamline the works in the labs that sustain the spirit of investigation to innovate for the betterment of society.

  1. Every student shall be dressed decently.

  2. When the teacher enters the classroom, students shall stand and remain standing till they are asked to sit.

  3. No student shall leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher, or until the teacher leaves the room, or asks the class to disperse.

  4. Students shall not make any noise while moving from class room to classroom / Labs.

  5. No student is allowed to enter the College Office without proper permission.

  6. Any damage by the students to the college / hostel property will be made good and those responsible for such damage shall be dealt with severely. Collective fines will be imposed for any such damage when the individual who has done the damage is undetected.

  7. Students taking part in communal or political activities will be severely dealt with. They will forfeit the Scholarships and other benefits extended to them.

  8. Students are expected to read notices put up on the College Notice Board and Department Notice Board. Ignorance of any notice thus put up will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with it.

  9. Students guilty of adopting unfair means in the Examination will be dealt with severely.

  10. Any lost property found must be handed over to the Lost Property Officer, from whom the owner can claim it after proving his ownership.

  11. Students are expected to behave well inside and outside the college in such a way to maintain the good name of the college as well as their own.

  12. The names of students whose behaviour, in the Judgment of the Principal or any other College Authority, is undesirable or has unwholesome influence on others shall be struck off the rolls without assigning any reason.

  13. Students are not allowed to loiter in the corridor during class hours.

  14. No Student of the college shall be a member of any Association unconnected with the college without the prior permission of the Principal, nor shall a student take part in any anti-social and subversive activities .The student contravening these rules is liable to be sent out of the college summarily.

  15. Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting in the college or collect money for any purpose without the prior permission of the Principal.

  16. Students shall aim at conducting themselves in a manner thoroughly worthy of the Alumni of the college and of the University and in harmony with the traditions of national life and culture.

  17. Cases of improper behaviour, or default in the matter of payment of College Fees, Fines or Hostel dues will entail such disciplinary action as the Principal may deem fit.

  18. 'RAGGING' of any kind is not permitted either inside the College Campus or in the Hostel or outside. Students who are guilty of the offence will be dismissed from the College and handed over to the Police authorities for further action, as per the Govt. Orders.

  19. Students who travel by bus have to show due respect to the bus- crew, ladies, elderly persons and teachers.

  20. Students are advised not to bring or use cell phones in the college. Such of those students who violate this rule will be dealt with seriously.

Note: Under the Government Educational Rules, the Principal has full powers to inflict the following punishments :

Levy of Fines, Withholding of Certificates, Suspension and Expulsion.

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