Centre for Professional Aspirants (CPA) & Coaching Classes for Charted Accountants and CMA
cahc news
48th Graduation Day 09.09.2023
https://forms.gle/cr7hpbKuFT14XMqL8 NOTE : Students passed-out in April 2021 alone are requested to Register
47th Graduation Day 26.08.2023
https://forms.gle/xuJaetRW2oZGF9a46 47th Graduation Day Students List view / download NOTE : Students passed-out in November 2020, November 2021 and April 2022 alone are requested to Register
Arrear Semester Examination November,2023 Examinations – Time Table
Arrear Semester Examination November,2023 Time Table (Saturday’s :- 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th September and 7th October) Click Here to View/Download By Controller of Examinations
T.MADHAVAN won Bronze Medal Asian Youth & Junior Weight lifting Championship 31.07.2023
T.MADHAVAN has won the Bronze Medal and Overall 4th place in the Asian Youth & Junior Weight lifting Championship at Noida on 31.07.2023
Mr. EISA ABDULLA S.A. of II M.Sc., Zoology Completed Training at University of Hyderabad 01.08.2023
Mr. EISA ABDULLA S.A. of 2 M.Sc., Zoology successfully completed 1 week training program conducted by Skill Development Center, University of Hyderabad, Telungana. He was the only student who represented Tamil Nadu, Department of Zoology and C. Abdul Hakeem College welcomes his participation and proud of him
Chief Ministers Trophy 2023 – Silambam – Won Gold Medal and Bronze Medal Mr.T Rajesh of III BCA B 16.02.2023
As Mr. T Rajesh of III BCA B won Gold Medal and Bronze Medal in Chief Minister’s Trophy 2023 at Nehru Stadium Chennai
Chief Ministers Trophy 2023 – Silambam – Won Gold Medal and Bronze Medal Mr.Dhuwarakesh S of II B.Sc. Chemistry 16.02.2023
As Mr.Dhuwarakesh S of II B.Sc., Chemistry won Gold Medal and Bronze Medal in Chief Minister’s Trophy 2023 at Nehru Stadium Chennai
Career Advancement Programme 20.07.2023
For Day College Students For Evening College Students
T Madhavan won Silver Medal in Commonwealth Weight lifting Championship 13.07.2023
We are happy to inform that our Student T.MADHAVAN of II B.A. History has won Silver Medals in two different categories ( Junior and Senior level 67 kg category) in the Commonwealth Weight lifting Championship held at Noida on 13-07-2023.
Urdu National Seminar 26.06.2023
One Day Urdu National Seminar view / download
NSS National Integration Camp 2023 25.06.2023
Congratulations to Mr.Vignesh , Mr. Kiran Kumar and NSS Team
International Yoga Day 21.06.2023
Report of NCC view / download International yoga day was conducted by 2 coy 10 TN BN NCC C. ABDUL HAKEEM COLLEGE on 21/06/2023 at 6.30 am. Our cadets done yoga which intended our cadets well being in physical and mental…
Instant Examinations Results- June,2023
Instant Examinations Results – June,2023 Instant Examination Results has been published, students are further informed that Collect the Marks Statement form the Department. By Controller of Examinations Click Here to View/Download
Government Free Job Fair Placement Drive 05.06.2023
Dear Students, We are planning to conduct Pooled Campus Drive collaborated with Tamilnadu Government under Naan Mudhalvan Scheme on 05.06.2023 (Monday) in our College campus. As we plan around 20 companies (IT / Non IT /Banking / others) to participate, we request you to attend the CAMPUS DRIVE…
Report Download view / download
Provisional Selection List – Admission of 2023-2024
RANK – I Provisionally Selected List of Students for the Admission (Day College) view / download Provisionally Selected List of Students for the Admission (Evening College) view / download
Instant Examinations June,2023
Semester Examinations – April,2023 – Conduct of Instant Supplementary Examinations – intimation. I am by direction to inform you that the College is proposed to conduct Instant Supplementary Examinations (Autonomous) for UG and PG final year outgoing candidates with one arrear paper only in any semester during their…
Photocopy and Revaluation of Answer Scripts – April,2023
Date: 20.05.2023 Students of all U.G. & P.G. Courses are informed that they can apply for the Photocopy of answer scripts and Re-valuation pertaining to the Semester Examinations held during April, 2023. They can collect the Application Form from the Xerox Room of our College or can download…
Student Satisfaction Survey May 2023
All the Students are asked to fill the form for their Teaching Learning Process
Anti Drug Awareness Program 11.05.2023
Drug awareness Club meeting at Integrated Vellore District and Tiruvannamalai District
Sutherland Campus Drive on 10.04.2023
COMPANY NAME: SUTHERLAND, CHENNAI DATE OF INTERVIEW: 10.04.2023 (MONDAY) TIME: 9 AM VENUE: SEMINAR HALL REGISTRATION LINK: https://forms.gle/fvRjzaKygsaNVj8fA Note: For attending the interview, the students must bring the following: Resume (2 copies) 10th, 12th , UG Mark sheets –Xerox Passport size Photo Aadhaar Card Selected Students List
Fincare Campus Drive on 11.04.2023
COMPANY NAME: FINCARE SMALL FINANCE BANK, VELLORE REGISTRATION LINK: https://forms.gle/LehGkBnH1hQN8ZeW9 DATE OF INTERVIEW: 11.04.2023 (TUESDAY) TIME: 9 AM ELIGIBILITY: ANY GRADUATES Note: For attending the interview, the students must bring the following: Resume (2 copies) 10th, 12th , UG Mark sheets –Xerox Passport size Photo Aadhaar Card
III B.C.A Students got selected in Wipro WILP 2022-2023
1. Mohammad Laique 2. Liyakath Ali and 3. Mohammad Shahid III B.C.A got selected in Wipro WILP
National Consumer Day and World Consumer Day 10.03.2023
National Consumer Day and World Consumer Day 10.03.2023 Receiving Appreciation Certificate from District Collector
Seminar on Convolutional Neural Network 13.03.2023
Seminar on Convolutional Neural Network 13.03.2023 view / download
DBT Sponsored National Workshop on Hand-on Training on Fish Cell Culture Technique Development and Application 13.03.2023 to 18.03.2023
14th Batch DBT Sponsored National Workshop on Hand-on Training on Fish Cell Culture Technique Development and Application 13.03.2023 to 18.03.2023 view / download
Women’s Education Debate 10.03.2023
Women’s Education Debate 10.03.2023 view / download
Importance of Internship in Research 09.03.2023
Importance of Internship in Research 09.03.2023 view / download
Employability and Skill Enhancement 09.03.2023
Employability and Skill Enhancement 09.03.2023 view / download