

Role of Controller of Examinations in Autonomy
  1. Controller of Examinations is like the Propeller of the Autonomous mechanism.

  2. Receives copies of Syllabi of all the Subjects from the Departments.

  3. Collects Question Paper Pattern of all Subjects from the Heads of the Departments.

  4. Arranges for the meetings of different Boards of Studies.

  5. Works out the schedule for CIA Tests I & II.

  6. Gets the Exam Applications prepared and printed for the Semester Examinations.

  7. Appoints question Paper Setters for all the subjects.

  8. Chalks out the Semester Exam schedule.

  9. Arranges for the scrutiny of the Question Papers by the Head of the Department concerned.

  10. Maintains secrecy in printing the Question Papers.

  11. Prepares Hall-Tickets class-wise and arranges for their issue.

  12. Students who put in a minimum of 75 per cent attendance are permitted to take the Examination. However, such of those students who put in 65 per cent and above but below 75 per cent are permitted to take the Examination on paying the Condonation Fee.

  13. Students who put in below 65 per cent attendance are not eligible to take the Examination.

  14. Conducts CIA Tests I & II and Semester Exams as per the schedule.

  15. Appoints Examiners for valuation of answer-scripts.

  16. Plans the dates of Central Valuation on the campus.

  17. Organizes the process of evaluation of answer-scripts as per the norms

  18. Activates the mechanism of publication of results after Central Valuation.

  19. Provides the option for students to apply for the photocopy of the answer-script or scripts.

  20. Arranges for revaluation of the answer- scripts of students who apply for revaluation.

  21. Announces the result of revaluation through the Head of the Department concerned.

  22. Issues Mark Statements to the students through the Heads of Departments concerned.

  23. Receives complaints from students regarding anything concerned with Exams and finds solution in association with the Examination Committee.

  24. Conducts M.Phil., Exam every Academic Year in August and February for both Full-Time and Part- Time M.Phil., Scholars.

  25. Organizes Instant Examination, ten days after the publication of Revaluation Results, for the U.G. and P.G. Students of current batch only.

Evaluation Mechanism
  1. Controller of Examinations streamlines the evaluation mechanism.

  2. Question Paper setters are furnished with necessary instructions to be followed strictly while setting the Paper in accordance with the syllabi and the pattern provided to them.

  3. Scrutiny of the Question Papers is carried out in the COE’s Office in the presence of the COE by the Heads of the Departments concerned on the dates specified by the COE’s office.

  4. The scrutiny is mainly to ascertain whether the questions are based on the prescribed portions; whether they are relevant in the light of the pattern of the Question Paper; whether the spelling is exactly correct and whether all other aspects of the Question Paper, like the numbering of questions, are perfect.

  5. Necessary corrections suggested by the scrutinizing Head of the Department are carried out verbatim before printing the Question Paper.

    Printed Question Papers are sealed in covers with specific information such as the Name of the Subject, Subject Code, Date of Exam and Session and so on printed on the cover.

  6. Sealed Question Paper covers are handed over to the Chief Superintendent one day before the date of particular exam.

    These covers are opened half-an-hour before the commencement of the exam.

  7. Answer-Scripts are collected after each Examination and packed in sealed covers to be handed over to the Controller of Examinations.

  8. Evaluation process in strictly in adherence with the norms of Thiruvalluvar University.

  9. Answer-Scripts pertaining to the Semester Examinations are valued by External Examiners only (Single Evaluation).

  10. Students can be allowed to apply for revaluation of two papers irrespective of the number of papers in which they fail to secure the passing minimum.

    Practical Examinations for P.G., students are monitored by two External Examiners and for U.G., students by an External Examiner and an Internal Examiner nominated by the Head of the Department.

  11. Results are published within one week from the last day of Examination.

  12. Internal or External Revaluation of answer-scripts is activated on the basis of number of answer-scripts. If the number of answer-scripts is less than Ten, from the same Department in the Subject concerned, the answer-scripts will be exposed to Internal Revaluation. If the number of Scripts exceeds Ten, they will be revalued by the Externals.

Question Paper Scrutiny Committee
  1. A Question Paper Scrutiny Committee has been formed to avoid errors in the question paper. The Committee consists of Heads of the Departments/Board Chairmen or in their absence the senior most staff of the departments concerned.

  2. A check list of all possible errors will be given to the Chairman concerned before the scrutiny. He has to certify that the question paper may be either accepted or rejected, pointing out the defects or errors, if any, immediately after the scrutiny. The Scrutiny Committee will be provided two sets of question papers (after modification of fonts and size, not as sent by the Question paper Setters).

  3. After the scrutiny, the Committee has to prepare a report and submit it to the COE. The COE office will carry out those corrections and the final copy will be resubmitted to the Chairman concerned for final approval.

  4. The Scrutiny Committee shall exhibit utmost care in scrutinizing the QP to ensure zero defects. If a wrong question paper is issued to students, even after the scrutiny, the Chairman concerned will be held responsible for the act. The Principal will take proper action against him.

  5. The honorarium for scrutiny is Rs.25 per question paper.

  6. The Member of Scrutiny Committee shall maintain utmost secrecy failing which it tantamounts to breach of trust.

Passing Minimum
  1. The minimum marks of an U.G. student to be declared to have passed in the Paper is 40 per cent (both Internal & External) Subject to a minimum of 30 marks in the Semester Examinations.

  2. Students of P.G. Courses and M.Phil., Programmes should secure a minimum of 50 per cent (both Internal & External) to be eligible for a Pass in each Paper, subject to a minimum of 38 marks in the Semester Examinations.

  3. As students are brought under the choice Based Credit System (CBCS) their performance in the exam will fetch them additional credits for each Paper.

  4. The Projects of M.Phil., Scholars are assessed as ‘Highly Commended’ (if the marks are above 70%); ‘Commended’ (if the marks are in the range between 50% and 69%) and ‘Not Commended’ (if the marks are below 49%).

Passing Board
  1. The COE’s Office consolidates results after Central Valuation

  2. Ardent care is taken in posting marks based on the OMR Sheets submitted by the Examiners.

  3. Chairmen of the respective Boards are nominated as the Members of the Passing Board by the Principal.

  4. The Passing Board of each subject scrutinizes the results and recommends for the publication of results.

  5. Provision is made to check answer-scripts by the Passing Board if such a need arises.

  6. The views of the Passing Board such as whether there is need for grace marks are recorded in a Register.

  7. The Passing Board has the privilege of awarding grace marks to maintain uniformity in valuation.

  8. Moderation marks for students of U.G and P.G courses should not exceed the maximum of 8 marks with the facility of awarding 3 marks for one paper, 3 marks for other paper and 2 marks for yet another paper which means that the concession is extended only to 3 papers.

  1. Marks scored in CIA Tests I & II and in the End Semester Exam are totalled up for 100 (25+75).

  2. Marks thus, secured are graded as most of the Universities have switched over to the mechanism of awarding grades.

  3. Total performance within one academic year accounting for two Semesters is marked by GPA (Grade Point Average).

  4. Continuous performance in all the Six Semesters in case of U.G. Courses and Four Semesters in case of P.G. Courses is indicated by the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

  1. Dummy Numbers are assigned to the answer-scripts to maintain perfect secrecy.

  2. Students have the provision of applying for the photocopy of the valued answer-script or scripts on paying the prescribed fee.

  3. They have the facility to apply for revaluation of any two Papers on paying the prescribed fee.

  4. Result of revaluation is let known to the students through the Head of the Department concerned.

  5. Marks secured by students in CIA Tests I & II are displayed in the Departmental notice boards and marks secured in the Semester Exams are published in the college website to maintain transparency.

  6. Valued answer-scripts pertaining to CIA Tests I & II are given to students to check their performance and the marks they have secured.

  7. If any discrepancy in allotment of marks is traced, students are given the option to bring the discrepancy to the notice of the Head of the Department for further action.

  8. Students are given the privilege of representing their genuine grievance regarding CIA Tests I & II and the Semester Exams to the COE through the concerned Head of the Department.

  9. Any student can get a photocopy of his valued answer script by paying the prescribed fee, irrespective of any number of papers.

  10. Xerox copy of the valued script must be checked by the course teacher and certified by the HOD, stating that there is a minimum variation of 10% of marks.

  11. Students shall apply for revaluation with prescribed fee within the stipulated time along with HOD’s recommendations.

  12. Revaluation can be opted for a maximum of any 2 Papers only.

Guidelines for Invigilators
  1. Invigilators are requested to consider invigilation as one of their prime duties.

  2. They should not make alternative arrangement for invigilation unless the need is most pressing.

  3. They should be present in their respective Block or Room at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination.

  4. They should verify the Reg. No. of each student in the Hall Ticket and check whether the Number is matching with the Register Number in the answer-script. Only after verification, Invigilators should sign in the column provided for them.

  5. They should note that students are not permitted to use cell phones or any other disturbing instrument in the Exam Hall.

  6. They should obtain the signatures of students who are taking the examination in the sheets provided to them.

  7. They should pass on the list of absentees to the Chief Superintendent of the Exams half-an-hour after the commencement of the examination.

  8. They are requested to be in their respective places till the Examination is over.

  9. They should bring to the notice of the Chief Superintendent any malpractice by students including copying.

  10. They should collect the answer books as and when students complete the examination and arrange them Number wise before handing them over to the Staff-in-charge and wait till the answer books are checked by the Staff-in-charge.

  11. They should handover all the other material provided to them to the Staff-in-charge before leaving the Exam venue.

  12. They are requested to extend their maximum co-operation for the smooth conduct of examinations.

  13. Their whole hearted involvement strengthens the mechanism of examinations under Autonomous stream.

Guidelines to Students

Students are advised to follow the instructions listed below, failing which they will not be allowed to take the Examinations.

  1. They should bring the Hall-Ticket on all the days of the Exam.

  2. They should wear the Identity Card as long as they are in the Exam Hall.

  3. Cell Phones are strictly banned in the Exam Hall.

  4. The Members felt the acute need of changing the Exam Time from 10.a.m. to 1.00 p.m. to 9.30.a.m. to 12.30. p.m., on the request made by several of the Teaching Staff and the student community who wished the change in timings to facilitate them to attend the prayers in the afternoon and also to help the Invigilators who would have invigilation in both the Sessions, Consecutively.

  5. They should keep silence and should not cause any sort of disturbance in the Exam Hall.

  6. Those who indulge in malpractice will be severely dealt with.

  7. On completion of the Exam, answer - scripts should be handed over to the Hall Superintendent.

  8. Students are not allowed to go out of the Exam Hall during the Exam.

  9. To promote Students’ interest in CIA Tests and to help them to score more, the Committee had resolved that students should answer the Paper at least for one full hour in case of CIA Test I and as regards to CIA Test II it was resolved that Students should not leave the Exam Hall or the Room before 2hrs. from the time of commencement of the Test.

  10. Due respect should be given to all other decent norms that govern the Examinations.

  11. All the students (U.G & P.G) are advised to receive their Hall Ticket for the ensuring Semester Examinations from the respective College Office.

  12. Receipt with encripted photo of the Candidate towards the fee for issuing Duplicate Hall- Ticket will be given only once if the candidate misses the Original Hall- Ticket.

Malpractice for the notice of Students

     The Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education, Government of Tamil Nadu, has listed out MALPRACTICES by students in the Examinations and CORRESPONDING PUNISHMENTS to be given to students.
Our College students indulging in any form of Malpractice will be given punishment as per the details furnished below and as per the guidelines given by the Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education:


S.No. Nature of Malpractice Corresponding Punishment
1. Possession of copy material in any part of the body or on the desk or on any object like scale, calculator etc. All the answer scripts of the student in the Semester Examination concerned will be cancelled.
2. Copying from any of the above. All the earlier written examinations of the student in the Semester concerned will be cancelled and he will be debarred for one or two more Sessions.
3. Helping other students for copying or getting copy material from others in the Examination Hall. Student’s answer book pertaining to the Paper concerned will be cancelled and he will be debarred for one more Session.
4. Insertion of answer-sheets brought from outside. All the Papers answered by the student will be cancelled and he will be debarred for two or three years.
5. Taking away the answer-script without handing it over to the Invigilator. All the Papers answered earlier by the student in the Semester Exam concerned will be cancelled.
6. Manhandling or abusing the Personnel concerned with the Examination Section of the College or the Inspection Squad or the External Additional Chief Superintendent. All the Papers answered by the student in the Semester Exam concerned will be cancelled and he will be debarred for the next three years.


7. Impersonation The Whole Exam taken by the student will be cancelled and he will be debarred for the next three years.
8. Tampering with Hall-Tickets. Student will not be permitted to appear for any Examination for two years.
9. Committing malpractice for the second time. The whole Examination taken by the student in the Semester concerned will be cancelled and he will be debarred for the next two years.
10. Malpractice in Practical Examinations. All the Written Papers of the Student in the concerned Semester Exam will be cancelled and he will be debarred for two subsequent Examinations.

Note : Students are strictly instructed not to indulge in any form of Malpractice.

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