
cahc news

Mr. S. M. IBRAHIM ABDUL SAMAD got selected in TCS Chennai

The Most Distinguished Principal, Dr.S.A.Sajid Sir, Wishes to Mr. S. M. IBRAHIM ABDUL SAMAD III B.C.A.(Section-A), Register Number:HCU19F15 with his Appointment Order,[for Selecting in TCS, Chennai],for the Post of Business Process Services. Salary Rs. 16000 Per Month. Congratulations to Mr. S. M. IBRAHIM ABDUL SAMAD.

Deworming Day

As per the instructions of government of Tamilnadu and JDCE, Vellore, deworming day was observed at C. Abdul Hakeem College. Our Principal distributed the albendazole tablets to students below 19 years. This program is aimed to remove intestinal parasitic worms in children and teenagers.

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