Established along with the inception of the College way back in 1965, the Department of Urdu has bloomed into a nerve Centre of variegated activities by spearheading the ennobled cause of Higher Education in its various formats.
Apart from its regular classwork of teaching Urdu as a Foundation Course for students of I U.G and II U.G. courses, the Department has evolved into a well-known training Centre to groom students to qualify for the Certificate and Diploma Courses in Functional Urdu, Arabic and Persian. These Courses are sponsored by the National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, Govt. of India, New Delhi and the Course Contents are paving room for Non-Urdu, Non-Persian and Non-Arabic Knowing students to learn these languages that have acquired the reputation as some of the widely spoken Languages across the globe. Each of these Courses is handled by Two Part-Time teachers with the financial assistance extended by the National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language.
The Department is also catering to the cyber needs of students by initiating a Diploma Course in Computer Application, Business Accounting and Multilingual DTP to helps them to acquire an additional qualification to excel in Job Interviews. There are Three Regular Teachers appointed on Contract basis to steer the academic activities of the Course.
Falling in line with the directive given by Thiruvalluvar University and all during to the curriculum structured by the University and revised by the Department as part of the Autonomous Stream of the College, the Department is engaging Urdu as a Non-major subject for Students Whose Language under the Foundation Course is not Urdu to help them to acquire the knowledge of Urdu.
In addition to its regular Academic Schedule of teaching Urdu and fulfilling the needs of seven Certificate and Diploma Courses, the Department is providing ample guidance to the scholars pursuing M. Phil., and Ph.D., programmes in Urdu for advancement of research in the said language.
To contribute to the flame of search and research to burn bright, the Department is consistently hosting Seminars (National and International) symposia and workshops by generating funds from like mind Agencies namely NCPUL, UGC, ICSSR and so on.
The Department’s zeal to quench the literary thirst of the public results in its organization of Mushairas at the National-Level every year which are very highly appreciated by the townsmen and the ardent votaries of Urdu in the neighborhood.
To boost the speaking and writing skills of students, the Department is holding literary contests on Oratory, Essay, Baith Baazi and so on at the Collegiate and Inter-Collegiate Levels as an essential part of its Annual Academic Schedule.
The Dept. is Currently headed by Dr. S. Mohamed Yassir, who is the first Guide-Supervisor at the Collegiate level for the Scholars of Ph.D., Degree in the whole of Tamil Nadu. The Dept. of Urdu is contributing its maximum for the success of all centralized Functions on the Campus, for maintenance of orderly behaviour of students and for the progress of the college in Academics and Research.
Faculty - Aided
Dr. S. Mohamed Yassir
Dr. S. Mohamed Yassir
Assistant Professor & HOD
PG and Research Department of Urdu
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Faculty - Unaided
Mr. C. Faizan Ahmed
Mr. C. Faizan Ahmed
Assistant Professor
Department of Urdu
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