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SSR 2018

Self Study Report DVV Clarification Response Documents

Self Study Report DVV Clarification Response Documents

Extended Profile
1.1 View / Download
2.1 View / Download
2.2 View / Download
2.3 View / Download
2.4 View / Download
3.1 View / Download
3.2 View / Download
3.3 View / Download
4.1 View / Download
4.2 View / Download
4.3 View / Download
4.4 View / Download
4.5 View / Download
Metrics Level Deviation
Criterion 1
1.1.2 View / Download
1.2.2 View / Download
1.3.2 View / Download
1.3.3 View / Download
1.3.4 View / Download
Criterion 2
2.1.1 View / Download
2.1.2 View / Download
2.1.3 View / Download
2.2.2 View / Download
2.2.3 View / Download
2.3.2 View / Download
2.3.3 View / Download
2.4.1 View / Download
2.4.2 View / Download
2.4.3 View / Download
2.4.4 View / Download
2.5.1 View / Download
2.5.2 View / Download
2.5.3 View / Download
2.6.3 View / Download
Criterion 3
3.1.2 View / Download
3.2.1 View / Download
3.2.2 View / Download
3.2.3 View / Download
3.3.3 View / Download
3.3.4 View / Download
3.4.2 View / Download
3.4.3 View / Download
3.4.4 View / Download
3.4.5 View / Download
3.4.6 View / Download
3.5.2 View / Download
3.5.3 View / Download
3.6.2 View / Download
3.6.3 View / Download
3.6.4 View / Download
3.7.1 View / Download
Criterion 4
4.1.3 View / Download
4.1.4 View / Download
4.2.5 View / Download
4.2.6 View / Download
4.3.2 View / Download
4.3.3 View / Download
Criterion 5
5.1.1 View / Download
5.1.2 View / Download
5.1.3 View / Download
5.1.4 View / Download
5.1.5 View / Download
5.1.6 View / Download
5.2.1 View / Download
5.2.2 View / Download
5.2.3 View / Download
5.3.1 View / Download
5.3.3 View / Download
Criterion 6
6.2.3 View / Download
6.3.2 View / Download
6.3.3 View / Download
6.3.4 View / Download
6.4.2 View / Download
6.5.3 View / Download
6.5.4 View / Download
Criterion 7
7.1.1 View / Download
7.1.3 View / Download
7.1.4 View / Download
7.1.8 View / Download
7.1.10 View / Download
7.1.11 View / Download
7.1.17 View / Download

Self Study Report Supporting Document

Extended Profile
1.1  Number of programs offered year wise during last five years view/download
2.1 Number of students enrolled year wise during the last five years
2.2 Number of outgoing/final year students year wise during the last five years
2.3 Number of students appeared in university examination year wise during last five years.
3.1 Courses List
3.2 ( a )Number of full time teachers presently working in the institutions
( b )  Number of full time teachers who left/joined the institution during the last five years
3.3 Number of sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years
4.1 Number of eligible applications received for admissions to all the programs year wise during the last five years.
4.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/ State Govt rule year wise during last five years
Cycle 1 NAAC Peer Team Report
Cycle 2 NAAC Peer Team Report
Criterion 1
1.1.1 Syllabus, PEO, CO etc view/download
1.1.2 Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS meeting
1.1.3 MoU's with relevant organizations
Minutes of the Boards of Studies/ Academic Council meetings
Programme / Curriculum/ Syllabus of the courses
1.2.1 Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS meetings
1.2.2 Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS meetings
1.3.2 Brochure or any other document relating to value added courses
1.4.1 and 1.4.2 Feedback
Criterion 2
2.1.1 List of students view/download
2.1.3 List of students
2.3.2 Upload the List of teachers (using ICT for teaching)
2.4.3 List of Teachers including their PAN, designation, dept and experience details
2.4.4 e-copies of award letters
2.4.5 List of full time teachers from other state and state from which qualifying degree was obtained
2.5.5 Current Manual of examination automation system
Annual reports of examination
Criterion 3
3.1.1 URL of Policy document on promotion of research uploaded on website
Minutes of the Governing Council/ Board of Management/Academic Council related to research promotion policy
3.2.1 e-copies of the grant award letters for research projects sponsored by non-government
3.2.2 Names of research centres
3.2.3 Details of teachers recognized as research guide
3.2.4 Supporting document from Funding Agency
3.3.3 e- copies of award letters
3.3.4 e- sanction order of the Institution for the start ups on campus
3.5.1 Upload Soft copy of the Consultancy Policy
3.5.2 Audited statements of accounts indicating the revenue generated through consultancy
3.5.3 Audited statements of account indicating the revenue generated through training
3.6.2 e-copy of the award letters
3.6.3 Reports of the event organized
3.6.4 Reports of the event
3.7.1 Copies of collaboration
3.7.2 e-copies of linkage
3.7.3 e-copies of the MoUs with institution/ industry/ corporate house
Criterion 4
4.1.1 view/download
4.1.4 Upload audited utilization statements
Upload Details of budget allocation, excluding salary during the last five years
4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System
4.2.3 subscriptions like e-journals,e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga Membership etc
4.2.4 Audited statements of accounts
4.2.6 Details of library usage by teachers and students
4.3.3 Details of available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution
4.4.1 Audited statements of accounts
Criterion 5
5.1.1 upload self attested letter with the list of students sanctioned scholarships view/download
5.2.1 Self attested list of students placed
5.3.1 e-copies of award letters and certificates
5.3.3 Report of the event
5.4.2 Alumni contribution Account
5.4.3 Report of the event - Alumni Association Meeting
Criterion 6
6.1.1 view/download
6.1.2 Strategic plan and deployment documents on the website
6.2.1 Strategic Plan and deployment documents on the website
6.2.2 Link to Organogram of the Institution webpage
6.2.3 Screen shots of user interfaces
6.3.3 Average number of professional development / administrative training programs organized by the Institution for teaching and non teaching staff
6.3.5 Performance Appraisal - Teaching Faculty
6.5.3 Name of quality initiative by IQAC - Invitation
6.5.4 e-copies of the accreditations and certifications
web link of Annual reports of Institution
Criterion 7
7.1.7 Students, staff using
a) Bicycles
b) Public Transport
c) Pedestrian Friendly Roads
7.1.8 Green audit report
Annual expenditure excluding salary component of the institution
7.1.9 Link to photos and videos of facilities for divyangjan
7.1.11 Report of the Event - Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community
7.1.12 URL to Handbook on code of conduct for students and teachers ,manuals and brochures on human values and professional ethics
7.1.13 Provide URL of website that displays core values
7.1.15 Provide link to Courses on Human Values and professional ethics on Institutional website
7.1.16 Provide URL of supporting documents to prove institution functions as per professional code
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