DBT - Sponsored National Workshop on Hands-on Training on Fish Cell Culture Techniques - Development and Applications
Batch I: 12th to 17th November, 2018. Batch II: 26th November to 1st December, 2018.
Organized by Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory
PG & Research Department of Zoology C. Abdul Hakeem College (Autonomous)
Hakeem Nagar, Melvisharam - 632509.
Vellore District, Tamilnadu. www.aahl.res.in
Mr. S. Z. Abrar Ahmed Sahib, B.A. C.S., Secretory & Correspondent
Dr. S. A. Sajid, Principal
Advisory Committee
Dr. A.K. Rawat, Director, DBT, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Dr. S. U. Ahmed, Scientist E, DBT, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Dr. Kuldeep K Lal, Director, ICAR-NBFGR, Lucknow
Dr. Basdeo Kushwaha, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NBFGR, Lucknow
Dr. A. Abdul Rahuman, C. Abdul Hakeem College
Dr. A. S. Sahul Hameed, C. Abdul Hakeem College
Organizing Secretary
Dr. A. S. Sahul Hameed, OIE Expert & FNAAS Tata Innovation Fellow (DBT)
Chair, Study Group – Nodaviridae, International Committee of Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).
Workshop Co-ordinators
Dr. S. Abdul Majeed
Dr. G. Taju
Dr. S. Vimal Research Scholars of AAHL