National Education Day Invitation 2019-2020
Faculty Development Programme 2019
As a quality measure to achieve the centre for excellence, the IQAC of our college has planned to organize a One Day Faculty Development Programme on Saturday, 20th July 2019. Therefore it is requested to depute faculty from your institution so as to get benefited. View / Download
UGC Undertaking
UGC Undertaking view/download
Gender Equity – International Women’s Day 2019
A Special Lecture on “Gender Equity” on the eve of International Women’s Day On 8th March 2019 at 9:15 a.m. at Seminar Hall Special Address by Dr. Rashul Begum Sahiba Head, Department of Tamil, M.M.E.S. Women’s Arts & Science College Melvisharam Presided Over by Dr. S.A. Sajid Principal C. Abdul…
AQAR 2017-2018
Annual Quality Assurance Report for the Academic Year 2017-2018 have uploaded on our institution website. It is accessible to all stakeholders. NOTE: Copying, reproduction, modification, distribution, display or transmission of any part of these documents, is strictly prohibited. Web Link for the above said Reports